रविवार, 7 दिसंबर 2014

मुन्नार बैक बाटर्स केरल की सैर

मुन्नार बैक बाटर्स केरल की सैर
सर्दी में भी अगर हरी भरी वादियों का आनंन्द लेना है तो केरल के मुन्नार से भला क्या हो सकता है। यहां के चाय बागान बैकवाटर्स और अरब सागर की नयना भिराम अपलक निहारने वाली सुन्दरता आप के लिये यादगार अनुभव बन जायेगी।
केरल को देवतांओ की भूमि ऐसे ही नही कहा जाता है यह वहां जाने ,रहने, और कुछ अरसे के लिये दुनियांदारी को भूल कर ही समझा जासकता है। चाय बागान के बिस्तार, बैकवाटर्स, खामोश घने जंगल और  कल कल करती समुद्र की स्वर लहरियां ,सुरम्य हरी भरी बादियां,अपलक निहारते ही बनती है  अगर ईश्वर को वाकई किसी ठिकाने की जरुरत है तो वह अन्यत्र कही कैसे रह सकते है।
मुन्नार यानी पश्चिमीघाट पर  चाय के बागानों के बीच केरल का एक छोटा सा पर्वतीय टापू जो समुद्रतल से 1600  मीटर की ऊंचाई पर बसा है। एक समय यह दछिण भारत में बसे ब्रिटिशवासियों के लिये ग्रीष्म काल की आराम गाह था। आज यह जगह देश विदेश के शैलानियों के आकर्षण का प्रमुख केन्द्र है एक खुली और ताजी सांस लेने की जगह है। इसे नेशननल ज्योग्राफ़िक ट्रेवलर ने दुनियां के  प्रथम 10  मह्त्वपूर्ण पर्यटक स्थलों में  शुमार किया है। मुन्नार में ही दछिण भारतकी  सबसे ऊंची चोटी स्थित है जिसकी ऊंचाई 2695 मीटर है।यहीं पर स्थित है 97 वर्ग किलो मीटर में फ़ैला  बेह्द खूबसूरत इरावीकुलम नेशनल पार्क।

मुन्नार के आस पास
मत्तु पेटी मुन्नार से 13  किलो मीटर दूर मत्तु पेटी है। यहां डैम और लेक के किनारे चहल कद मी कर सकते है। दूर तक जाने के लिये बोट की भी सैर कर सकते है।
चाय के शौकीन हों या न हों ,टीम्यूजियम जरुर देखें टीम्यूजियम  अपने आप में एक अनुभव है। वही रोज सुबह की एक प्याली चाय । चाय की पत्तियों की बाग से लेकर अपनी चाय की प्याली तक की महीनों की लम्बी यात्रा यहां कुछ देर में ही समझ में आजाती है।ताजी और महकती हुयी चाय का बेह्तरीन स्वाद का आनंन्द पहली बार आपको यहीं महसूस होगा।इसके अलावा चाय बा गानों का इतिहास भी नल्लथन्नी टी स्टेट के इस म्यूजियम की इमारत ,इसके कमरों और दीवारों पर नजर आता है।
केरल के बैक वाटर्स देखे बिना मुन्नार यात्रा पूरी नही होती , मुन्नार से कुमारकोम तक का सफ़र  तमाम जंगलों के बीच से होकर गुजरता है।जहां काली मिर्च से लेकर  दालचीनी की महक सुदूर हवा में तैरती रहती है। ये वही मसाले हैं जिन्होने तमाम विदेशियों को मालाबार के इन तटों की ओर आकर्षित किया।और हमारा इतिहास बदल दिया।
अलप्पी को पूर्व का वेनिस यूं ही नहीं कहा  जाता है अलप्पी बैक बाटर के लिये प्रसिद्ध है  अरब सागर के किनारे बनी  झील में प्रत्येक बर्ष भारत के प्रथम प्रधानमंत्री प० जवाहर लाल नेहरू की स्म्रति  में नेहरू नौका दौड का आयोजन  किया जाता है। दूर दिखाई देते चर्च , पानी के बीच लगे साइन बोर्ड झील के बीच उभरा  जमीन  का कोई हरा भरा सा टुकडा उस पर नारियल के पेडो के नीचे एक झोपडी और  बंधी हवा में पानी में  हिलती छोटी सी नाव ऐसी ही अनगिनत मनोरम द्रश्यो की स्रंखला हमारी आंखों से ओझल ही नही होती। बीच पर बनी किसी काफ़ी साप पर देर तक बैठें दछिण भारतीय खाना खाऐं, सोने के जग मगाते गहनों के बाजारों से होकर गुजरें। जेटी पर इंतजार करती बोट से होते हुए अपने होटल लौट आऐं।  
कोव ल म
अलप्पी से कोवलम तक का सफ़र केरल की बस्तियों और शहरों से होकर है। नारियल के झुरमुटों में बसे खूबसूरत घर किसी कलाकार द्वारा बनायी गयी  प्राक्रतिक सीनरी जैसे मालूम होते है। शाम के समय कोवलम तट पर काफ़ी चहल पहल रह्ती है तट के किनारे सजी रंगबिरंगी दुकानें बहुत ही सुन्दर लगती है। समुद्र का हर तट अपनी एक निराली छ्टा प्रस्तुत करता है।
कैसे पहुचें-
निकटत म रेलवे स्टेशन
आलुवा- 108 कि० मी०
अंगमाली-109  कि० मी०
निकटतम एयरपोर्ट- कोच्चि जहां से मुन्नार 108 कि० मी०
कम से कम  10   दिनों की योजना बना कर जाऐं।
मुन्नार में हल्के गर्म कपडे  रात के लिये रख लें । ज्यादा नही बस एक ही काफ़ी है।
पहले से प्लान बना कर जायें कि जितना समय आपके पास है उसमें क्या क्या देखना है।क्योंकि यहां देखने को बहुत कुछ है।
ठहरने के लिये बुकिंग पहले से करायें तो बेहतर है।
ज रु र त म ह सूस क रें तो www.kerlatourism.org  , www.india mike.com, की म द द लें। व हां से आप को त माम जान कारी मिल जाय गी।

 म ग र य हां के छोटे से स मुद्र त ट  पर  आप  अ रब सा ग र के वि स्तार को आप क भी न ही भू लें गें।


बुधवार, 3 दिसंबर 2014


If you have only two nights in Kerala and you are arriving in Kochi/Cochin then you could stay one night in Kochi in the Fort Cochin area and stay the second night in Munnar and maybe stay an extra day in Munnar if you decide to take a day away from your Rishikesh stay.

For accomodation in Kerala, homestays are very popular with Kerala visitors and homestay hosts can also advise you regarding other activities such as backwater trips and Ayurveda massage/treatment and here is one homestay in Fort Cochin that has been recommended by forum members.

In Kochi you can try a half day or a full day tour run by Kerala Tourist Development Corporation (KTDC) which is popular and is quite inexpensive.

There is no train connection to Munnar hillstation and travel to Munnar is by road and in Kochi you will have no problem arranging a car+driver for your travel to Munnar which is about 4 to 5 hours.

A bit expensive but an excellent accomodation option in Munnar.

Since your time is short and if you don't mind paying a bit extra then you could contact one of the tour operators with your requirements and they would be able to quote you for a customized trip including accomodation, transport and an airport/train-station pickup and drop. Here are a cople of links:


गुरुवार, 13 नवंबर 2014

goa hotel Upto Rs. 500/- per day

Upto Rs. 500/- per day 

For Bookings From B'bay Just dial 95832+Phone Number from ur MTNL landline. 
Pls note that Goa numbers also have 2 before their existing numbers. 
NORTH GOA: (ISD CODE: 0091832 STD CODE: 0832) 

Cabin Disco, back along the Mapusa road (Tel. 273254) 
Coutinho's Nest, Soronto Vaddo (Tel. 274386) 
D'Souza, c/o Michael Pharmacy (Tel. 274347,274439) 
Hilton Guest House, on the main road near the bus park (Tel. 274432) 
Manali, south of Starco's, near the bus stand (Tel. 274421) 
Mary's Holiday Home, near the bus stand 
Martha's, 907 Montero Yaddo, between bus stand and market (Tel. 273365) 
Red Cab Inn, De Mello Vaddo (Tel. 273312) 
Rose Garden Motel, is right on the beach, near the market are (Tel. 273362) 
Sonic Guest House, close to the rockey seafront (Tel. 273285) 
Starco's, on the crossroads (no Phone) 
Tamarind, Kumarvaddo, 3 km from beach (Tel. 274309 ) 
Zebra Lodge and Camping, near Sacred Heart High School (no Phone) 

Abu John's, halfway between the crossroads and the beach; (no phone) 
Anita Lodge, north of the road near the beach; (274348 ) 
Balbina's , Menndonca Vaddo; (no phone ) 
Cally's, near St Andrew's Church, behind Bell Bakery;(273382) 
Dolrina Guest House, north of the road near the beach; (274347) 
Green Peace, 1639, Deul Vaddo; ( no phone) 
Jolly Jolly Lester, halfway between the crossroads and Big Vagatorbeach;(no phone) 
Noble Nest 
Oasis Guest House, 100m west of the crossroads;( no phone) 
Palm Grove, Deul Vaddo; ( 274388) 
Reshma Guest House, (no phone) 

Ganesh Rest House, on the first headland north 
Laxmi Niwas, above Ganesh Stores, 
Villa Oceanic, southeren end of the beach 

Ancona Beach Resort, Saunta Vaddo (Tel. 276096) 
Divine Guest House, north of the river 
Jack's, in the village (no phone) 
Jimi' tepee Village,on the hill side, opposite the bridge (Tel. 276124) 
Joanita Guest House, Baga Rd (Tel. 277166) 
Lucia Bella's, 7/173 A, Baga Rd (no phone) 
Martin's' 1928 Cobra Vaddo (no phone) 
Melissa Guest House, 620 Anjuna Rd (no phone) 
Nani's and Rani's, north of the river (Tel. 276313) 
Sunshine Beach Resort, Calangute-Baga rd (Tel. 276003) 
Venar, 1963, Cobra Vaddo (Tel. 276867) 
Villa Fatima Resort,Saunta Vaddom, Baga Rd (Tel. 277418) 
Zinho's, 7/3 Saunta Vaddo (Tel. 277383) 

Anup Holiday Homes (Tel: 276716) 
A Canoa (Tel. 276082) 
Albenjoh (Tel. 276422) 
Alpha Guest House (Tel. 277358) 
Angela Guest House, Umta Vaddo, South of beach front (Tel. 277269) 
Angelina Beach Resort, soth Calangute (Tel. 279268) 
An Vin, 5/193, Umta Vaddo, behind the bus stand 
Calangute Beach Resort, Umta Vaddo (Tel. 276063) 
CoCo Banana, 5/139 A, Umta Vaddo (Tel. 276478) 
Conria Beach Resort 
Dona Cristalina 
Fellah's Guest House 
Gabriel's, Gaura Vaddo;(277484) 
GTDC Tourist Resort, overlooking the steps to the beach;(276024) 
La Bamba, next to GTDC Resort;(276108) 
Longer Guest House, south Calangute;(277460) 
Miranda Beach Resort 
NV's Guest House, south Calangute 
O Camarao, 5/201, Uma Vaddo;( 276229) 
Rodrigues Cottages 
Saahil Hotel, south Calangute;(276069) 
Sea Pearl Guest House 
Sea Wolves 
Souza Lobo, right on the beach 
Stay Longer Guest House 
Sundowner Holiday Home, 5/128, Umta Vaddo;(277267) 
Victor guest House;(276966) 

Altrude Villa, Murrod Waddo;(277703) 
Alexandra Tourist Center, Morod Vaddo;( 276097) 
Ave Maria,( 277336) 
Casa Sea Shell, Fort Aguda Rd, near Bom successo; (276131,277879) 
Coquerial Holiday Home,( 276070) 
Costa Nicola Beach Resort, Vaddi, near the health centre;(276343) 
D'Mello's Sea View, behind Dr. Monteiro's house;(277395) 
Dona Florina, Monteiro's Rd ;( 277398) 
Holiday Beach Resot, ;(276088) 
Julia, Escrivao Vaddo; (277219) 
Kamal, towards Aguda;( 276320) 
Lobo's, Camotim vaddo; 
Manuel Guest House, Camotim Vaddo; (277729) 
Monte Villa 
Peravel,100m from beach; ( 277074,272227) 
Pretty Petal Guest House 
Sand Pebbles,(279178) 
Sea Shell Inn, Fort Aguda Rd, (276131) 
Shanu Holiday Home 
Summerville Beach Resort;( 277075,262681) 
Ti Bhat, Murrod Vaddo; 
Tropicano Beach Resort, ( 277732 ) 

Dona Paula: 
Sea View, opposite NIO; ( 223327) 

Astoria Motel, Assago,2km west of Mapusa;( 262186) 
GTDC Tourist Hotel, opposite the Kadamba bus stand;(262794, 262694) 
Mandrin, near Alankar Cinema;( 262579) 
Shalini,Taliwada; ( 262324 ) 
Sirsat Lodge ( 262419) 
Trishul, near Mapusa clinic; ( 262700) 

Bela Goa; (224575) 
El Paso, 484, Campal Colony;( 224898, 227213) 
Gopika International, St Mary's Colony, 226194, 229821, 229823) 
Liboran, Nomoxint; ( 223298, 224518) 
London Hotel ;(226017) 
Miramar Beach Resort (Formerly Yatri Niwas);(227754) 
Riomar Beach Resort, D Bandhokar Marg; (226193) 
Youth Hostel; (225433) 

Afonso Guest House, St Sebastian Chapel Square, Fontainhas;(222359) 
Casa Pinho, (224193) 
Elite Boarding & Lodging, 31 January Rd 
Embassy, Emidio Gracia Rd;(225172) 
Frank's Inn,83, Menezes Braganza Rd;(226716) 
GTDC Tourist Home, Pato,near bus stand ;(227972) 
Mandovi Pearl Guest House, PO Box 329,behind GTDC tourist Hostel; (223928) 
Neptune, Malacca Rd;(224447) 
Orav's Guest House, 31, January Rd; (226128) 
Park Lane Lodge, Near Chapel of St Sebastian; (220238,227154) 
Republica, Jose Falcao Rd ,near GTDC Tourist Hostel; (224630) 
Sonia Niwas Guest House; (224268) 
Udipi Boarding & Lodging 
Venite,31,January Rd;(225537) 

SOUTH GOA: (ISD CODE: 0091832 STD CODE: 0832) 

L'Amour, on the beachfront; (723720) 
Brito's Tourist Cornr, near Maia Hall, 2km from beach; 
Camilson's beach Resort; ( 722917 ) 
Caphina, Beach Rd; 
Caravan Tourist Home, Maria Hall; (737953) 
D' Souza Guest House, along the road to Colva; (734364) 
Egee, Vas Vaddo; ( no phone ) 
Furtado's Beach House 
Green Garden Tourist Cottages 
Jacinta Moraes Tourist House 1608/A, Vas Vaddo;( 722706 ) 
Kenkre Tourist Cottages 
Libra Cottages, Vas Vaddo; (731740 ) 
Liteo Cottages, opposite tailor's shop, on the beach road;( 731740) 
O Manqueiro, Vas Vaddo; ( 734164 ) 
O Palmar Beach Cottage, opposite L'Amoour; ( 722901,733278 ) 
Oshin Hoiday Care Cottages, Mazil Vaddo; ( 722707 ) 
Pinto Tourist Cottags, on the road to Colva; 
Priti Kunj tourist Home, south of Maria Hall crossing; 
Rosario's Inn,Vas Vaddo, off the second crossroads;(734167) 
Savio Rest House 
Tansy Cottages, Beach Rd;( 734594,734595)

Delhi Sightseeing.......how to see Delhi by Metro

Delhi Sightseeing.......how to see Delhi by Metro

Qutub Minar (2kms): Qutub Minar Metro Stn on the Yellow Line, then Auto rickshaw for 5mins 

Humayun’s Tomb (4Kms or 2kms): Either get off at Jor Bagh Stn on the Yellow Line and take an auto through Lodi Road OR get off on the Khan Market Stn or JLN Stadium Stn on the Violet Line and take an Auto or walk to Humayun’s Tomb.

Safdarjung Tomb[/B] (100mtrs): Get off at the Jor Bagh Stn on the Yellow Line and exit from Gate no. 2 and walk towards the Lodi Road red light and it is on your left on the red light itself.

Lodi Garden (1kms): Get off at Jor Bagh Stn on the Yellow Line and exit from Gate no 2. Walk towards the Lodi Road Red light and take a right at the red light. Walk along the heavily tree covered Lodi Road and after the second red light you will see Lodi Garden on the left in front of Mausam Bhavan or Meteorological Departments Office Building. (After getting out of the Jor Bagh Station, if you are walking on a flyover, you are in the wrong direction. Go back to the Lodi Road Red light and turn right for Lodi Road)

India Habitat Center (1.5kms): Get off at Jor Bagh Stn on the Yellow Line and exit from Gate no 2. Walk towards the Lodi Road Red light and take a right at the red light. Walk along the heavily tree covered Lodi Road and you will see Lodi Garden on the left in front of Meteorological Departments Office Building, cross both and IHC is on your right on the next red light. (After getting out of the Jor Bagh Station, if you are walking on a flyover, you are in the wrong direction. Go back to the Lodi Road Red light and turn right for Lodi Road)

Hazrat Nizammudin Darga & Basti: It is right next to Humayun’s Tomb

Akshardham Temple: Akshardham Stn on the Blue Line

Gandhi Smriti or Birla House, 5 Tees January Marg (500mtrs): Get off on the Race Course Stn on the Yellow Line and walk on the Aurangzeb Road till the Claridges Hotel. On the roundel take the left after Claridges and take the Tees January Marg and it’s the second Bungalow on your left.

Chandni Chowk
: Chandni Chowk Stn on the Yellow Line

Red Fort (500mtrs): Get off Chandni Chowk Stn on the Yellow Line and get out on to Chandni Chowk and when you are standing facing the Gurudwara Sheeshganj, on the Fountain Square look on your left to see the Red Fort.

Jama Masjid (800mtrs): Get off at Chawari Bazaar Stn on the Yellow Line get out the exit and ask for Jama Masjid. There are 2 exits and if you get off the wrong on and start walking you will find yourself in Chandni Chowk.

India Gate (2kms): Get off at Central Secretarial Stn on the Yellow Line and walk on to Rajpath by exiting from Gate no 4. On your left you will see India Gate in the distance. 

Rashtrapati Bhavan (Presidential Palace 1kms): Get off at Central Secretarial Stn on the Yellow Line and walk on to Rajpath. On your right you will see North & South Block on a hill with the Parliament on the right side and the Palace behind the North and South Block. If you have Rail Bhavan on your left then turn around and walk towards Rajpath.

National Gallery of Modern Art (1.5kms or 2.5kms): Get off at the Khan Market Stn on the Violet Line and exit from gate no 2. As soon as you exit take the left from a narrow lane and you will find yourself on Pandara Road. Once on Pandara Road, keep walking straight till you reach the India Gate outer circle and turn right to reach NGMA OR get off on the Central Secretarial Stn on the Yellow line, get to India Gate(as explained above) and cross it to find NGMA on your right side of the road.

Connaught Place: Rajiv Chowk Stn on the Yellow Line or Blue Line. 

Janpath (1Kms): Get off at the Rajiv Chowk Stn on the Yellow Line or Blue Line get out at A Block in CP and walk past Palika Bazaar and then take a right towards Janpath through the Outer circle and the LIC Building.

Birla Temple (Laxmi Narayan Temple 5kms): Get off at the Central Secretarial Stn on the Yellow Line and take an Auto to the Birla Temple.

Purana Quila/Old Fort (4kms): Get Off on the Pragati Maidan Stn and take an Auto to the Purana Qila on Mathura Road.

Lotus (Bahai) Temple (500mtrs): Get off on the Nehru Place Stn or the 
Kalkaji Temple Stn on the Violet Line and walk to the Lotus Temple.

Rajghat/Gandhi Memorial (6kms): Get off at Pragati Maidan Stn and take an Auto to Rajghat

mumbai meri jaan

Nagla Block – A restricted part of the national park that is across the creek if you are headed on the highway in the direction towards vasai from the main gate of the borivali national park. It’s a walking distance from a popular landmark called Hotel Fountain. 
Genre – macros
Best time – early morning
Tripod allowed - yes
Any other details – there is a ticket that needs to be purchased as well as parking charges to be paid

Maharashtra Nature Park (MNP) – Located at Mahim (east) near Dharavi. 
Genre - macros
Best time – early morning
Tripod allowed - yes
Any other details - Needs prior permission if you are visiting on a Sunday. Has space for parking.

BPT Garden (Sagar Upvan) – Located ahead of Sassoon docks in colaba.
Genre – macros, photos of the sea, birds if you are lucky
Best time – early morning
Tripod allowed - yes
Any other details - One of the few photography friendly gardens where you can officially shoot after paying some nominal amount for camera & tripod usage. Good for flowers, macros if you can search well. Though a lot of what you end up with depends on how lax the gardeners have been with their shears. 

Hanging Garden / Kamla Nehru Park
Genre – flowers, butterflies, birds eye view of the Mumbai skyline
Best time – early morning
Tripod allowed - yes
Any other details – a lot depends on the gardeners. I’ve been disappointed on some occasions when I can’t see any flowers because the gardeners have gone on a chopping spree. The place is not really recommended for a serious macro shooter. 

Banganga – 
Genre – ancient Indian architecture, street
Best time – early morning
Tripod allowed - yes
Any other details -located at Malabar hill. You need to park and walk down towards the place. Ask around for directions if needed. Its basically just a rectangular pond with some old pillars and temples around. Nice place if you don’t have very high expectations.

Chowpatty beach (Girgaum) – 

Genre – people, street, sunset, Mumbai skyline
Best time – before sunset
Tripod allowed – no
Any other details - 

Marine Drive –
Genre – sunset, Mumbai skyline, street
Best time – before sunset
Tripod allowed - no
Any other details - you can walk along the promenade and take pics of the sunset as well as street type photos. Tripods are not officially allowed but I’ve seen people use one. Try it at your own risk.

Gateway of India –excellent at sunrise as there are not too many tourists around. You can get good photos of the structure as well as the harbor. Tripod usage is prohibited. Best time to visit – early morning. I recently shot some long exposures in the evening too – they were okay..not as good as the ones shot in the morning

Dhobi Ghat – if you like to take street type photos. At times you may have to pay some of the locals for shooting at the outdoor laundry there. It’s a unique photo opportunity and you’ll find the place featured in some old bollywood movies.

Juhu Beach -

Chor Bazar – street type photos of shops selling antiques and some filmy looking shop keepers

Bandra Fort – 

Carter Road – fishing boats, sunset. Best time to visit – before sunset. Check tide timings before you visit the place

Sewri jetty – sunrise, flamingos, birds, abandoned boats. Take a look at the tide forecast before you visit. Best time to visit – early morning before sunrise

Sea link photos – can be taken either from the bandra fort (you’ll get a photo of the sea link turning away from you at an angle) or from the Shivaji park beach (front view of the sealink stretching from bandra to worli). Best time to visit - Sunset

Haji Ali – you can get good photos from the promenade. If you want to shoot inside you can walk up to the structure. Photography is allowed inside however if you set up a tripod on the promenade you will get harassed by the cops. Best time to visit –sunset

Colaba Causeway to Fort – nice street type photos, old British architecture. Early morning or before sunset would be the best time to do this stretch. Photography is allowed as long as you don’t point the lens towards any government building. Be careful in the lanes that branch out from the main road if you are alone. 

Asiatic library – popular structure located at fort. Photography is allowed. Tripods are not. The rest of the area is a restricted area where photography is prohibited so be careful.

Victoria Gardens (Zoo) – if you like photos of animals in a zoo. I don’t. Photography is allowed. 

Elephanta Caves – photography is allowed but tripod usage is restricted by the ASI. You need to take a ferry from the gateway of india.

Vasai Fort
Genre – macros, photos of the sea, old architecture of the fort
Best time – early morning
Any other details –be a bit careful as it’s a lonely place. Don’t go alone you can get mugged. There are locals who object to tripod usage and try and fleece you out of some money. 

Mandwa – Its around a one hour ferry ride from Mumbai or about 3 hours by car. Excellent for some sunset photos with fishing boats etc in the foreground. Take a look at tide forecast for the day before you go. 

Karnala – this is supposed to be a bird sanctuary but most people end up not seeing any birds. You need to reach there early, wait patiently and avoid Sundays when the place is crowded. There are some 3 to 4 different trails which can be done including a hike up to the karnala fort. I’ve always shot loads of spiders here including giant wood spiders, funnel web spiders, signature spiders etc…no birds though.

National park – Borivali

Genre – nature, photos of caves 
Best time – early morning
Tripod allowed - yes
Any other details - I’m referring to the borivali end. Also includes a place called the kanheri caves. Photography with a tripod is allowed in all areas apart from inside the caves. There are some trails which are restricted and need permission like the shilonda trail. The safari has animals in cages so wouldn’t really advise any photographer to do safari as that’s a waste of time. The Thane / Yeoor side of the national park is better for macros. 

Lonavala / Khandala –
Genre – landscapes, sunrise, sunset
Best time – early morning / evening
Tripod allowed - yes
Any other details - it’s a nice hill station 2 hours away from the city if you know where to go to shoot. 

Genre – landscapes, street
Best time – sunrise, sunset, evenings, early mornings
Tripod allowed - yes
Any other details –it’s a hill station about 3 hours away from Bombay where cars and motorcycles are not allowed so you need to walk everywhere or hire a horse. Can do a day trip if you drive there early and come back at night.

Annual Events
Mumbai Marathon – held on a Sunday between Jan and Feb
Vintage & Classic Car & Bike Rally – held on a Sunday of February / March
Super car Show – held in January on a Sunday
Kala Ghoda Arts Festival – held for a week in February