सोमवार, 21 मई 2012

Jodhpur to Jaipur

Jodhpur to Jaipur

Train 2462 departs Jodhpur daily at 19:30 and gets to Jaipur at 00:35. (1A, 2A, 3A, SL.)

Train 2466 departs Jodhpur daily at 05:45 and gets to Jaipur at 10:35. (3A, CC, 2S.)

Train 4060 departs Jodhpur daily at 22:30 and gets to Jaipur at 05:00. (2A, 3A, SL.)(train due to arrive in Jodhpur at 21:50)

Train 4854 departs Jodhpur (M, Th, Sa) at 09:00 and gets to Jaipur at 15:10. (2A, 3A, SL.)

Train 4864 departs Jodhpur (Tu, W, F, Su.) at 09:00 and gets to Jaipur at 15:10. (2A, 3A, SL.)

Train 5631 departs Jodhpur (Tu, & Su. only) at 23:50 and gets to Jaipur at 07:20. (2A, 3A, SL.)

1A = Rs 1273
2A = Rs 679
3A = Rs 450
CC = Rs 359
SL = Rs 180
2S = Rs 107
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